Meet Shanya Gill, The Girl, who invented the fire Detection device.

Shanya Gill is an inventor and engineer who developed a rapid fire detection device that can alert people to wildfires in minutes. She was inspired by the devastating California wildfires of 2018, which claimed the lives of 85 people and destroyed thousands of homes. Shanya, who was 17 at the time, decided to use her skills in electronics and coding to create a low-cost, wireless sensor network that can monitor temperature, humidity, and smoke levels in remote areas. Her device, called Firefly, uses artificial intelligence to analyze the data and send alerts to a mobile app or a web dashboard. Shanya hopes that her invention can help prevent future tragedies and protect the environment from fire damage. She has won several awards for her innovation, including the Google Science Fair 2019 and the Young Innovator Award 2020.

Inspire Team
Author: Inspire Team

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